Seeing Black Smoke in a Dream. What does it mean to see black smoke in a dream? What is the meaning?

Seeing black smoke in a dream is not associated with good and gives the news of some developments that will upset the person and cause demoralization.

Black smoke is attributed to bad words to be heard or to the point that the event grows and breaks during an argument. Seeing black smoke in a distant place is interpreted as a relationship or friendship left in the past will come up again with some gossip these days, and getting upset by hearing the negative words of this person. Seeing black smoke also indicates that the person needs to tidy up and states that it is necessary to take precautions to avoid the evil eye of people around, and not to trust everyone immediately. Black smoke coming out of a familiar house means hearing some negative news about those people, hearing that someone you know got sick.

Seeing black smoke above your house

To see black smoke rising from the top of your own house is a sign of disputes and disagreements within the family. It states that there will be no unity and togetherness in the house and that the person will not feel peaceful at home for a while. While expressing that one of the family members will get sick, he also draws attention to the fact that people coming from outside will say things that will disturb the peace in the house. Black smoke on the house is a harbinger of temporary troubles and tensions in the house.

Running from black smoke in a dream

It states that the dreamer is very careful about what is going on around him and always acts cautiously in order to protect his own life. It is interpreted that he will easily get rid of troubles and keep himself and his family away from evil, especially because he foresees the negativities that will happen to him. Putting the family above everything else means staying away from envious and wicked people. Running from black smoke also means surviving a disease in its infancy and recovering in a short time.

Psychological ınterpretation of seeing black smoke in a dream

The dream, which is an expression of pessimism, draws attention to the fact that the person focuses only on the bad aspects of the conditions he is in, and has difficulty in recognizing the good things that happen when he is depressed. It is also an expression of magnifying small problems, mental fatigue and having problems with clarity in thoughts.

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