To see earwax in a dream; It indicates that the person who sees the dream will do things that will be very beneficial for him, bring a lot of profit, make him smile and make him feel comfortable, and that his life will be very good from now on. It is interpreted that the dreamer will cheer up, find peace, problems will be resolved, setbacks will disappear, and he will have good days.
Wax coming out from ear in a dream
Seeing wax coming out of the ear in a dream is considered as salvation. It indicates that the troubles of the dreamer will end, he will find healing, he will get rid of his debts.
Cleaning ears in a dream
Cleaning ears in a dream indicates hearing happy words, being proud and happy. It means that the dreamer will feel very good and will have the honor of hearing words that he will realize his value.
Seeing ears in a dream
To see an ear in a dream indicates a successful and auspicious life, establishing a happy home and raising good children in the future. It is interpreted that the beauty of the life of the person who sees the dream will be envied by everyone.
Ear cut in a dream
Having this dream indicates that there will be some problems that concern everyone, there will be big conflicts, fights and disagreements in the society, and there will be showdowns between people.
Seeing small ears in a dream
To see a small ear in a dream means that the person who sees the dream will sin in the sight of Allah and will be guilty before the state. It means that the person who sees the dream will abandon his religion and get involved in wrongdoing.
Seeing big ears in a dream
A person who sees a big ear in a dream means that he will be a great person in the future, he will be surrounded by people, and he will become someone who is consulted by people and asked for help. The person who sees the dream will become a scholar enough to be enlightened.